Declutter Your Mind and Enjoy Inner Peace

No one has ever complained of having a mind that was too clear and peaceful. We’d all like to feel less cluttered and more peaceful and relaxed. That would be a good problem to have.

Decluttering your mind is largely the result of decluttering all aspects of your life.

We tend allow too many burdens to sit on our minds, but there is a more effective way to live. With a few simple tips, you can reduce the load on your mind and give it the peace it craves.

Try adding these techniques to help yourself take control of your life:

  1. Release the challenging people in your life. I’m sure there are some people that take up a lot of space in your brain. Some of those people are optional in your life, and you might not even like them! Why are you keeping them around?

  2. Remove unnecessary activities from your life. This could be committees you serve on, sports teams you play on, or going out on Thursday nights. Maybe you’re taking dance or music lessons but evaluate how much you’re enjoying it. If you cut some of these activities, you might give yourself the gift of time.

  3. Declutter your environment. Your environment tends to reflect the state of your mind. Your inner peace is impacted by your environment. This includes your workspace, and anywhere else you spend a significant amount of time. Have you ever noticed how nice it feels when your home is clean? You can feel that way all of the time.

  4. Meditate. Meditation might be the ultimate way to declutter your mind and enjoy inner peace. Meditation is very simple but challenging to do well. However, it is possible to experience many benefits from meditation even if you’re a beginner. Start with trying 15-20 minutes a day.

  5. Write things down. Trying to remember EVERYTHING puts a huge load on your mind. You can never truly relax when you have to remember all the things. Write things down and use alarms. Knowing that something else will keep track of your obligations for you will allow your mind to relax.

  6. Mono-task. Forget about multitasking. It is ineffective and actually creates stress. Limit yourself to one task at a time and block out that time, focus on that task. You will likely gain more time back at the end of the day. You’ll feel better and get much more accomplished.

  7. Make fewer decisions. The fewer decisions you have to make each day, the more inner peace you’ll experience. Creating routines for your day-to-day life makes things easier. For example, your wardrobe can be set out early. Your breakfast can be planned as well as lunch and dinner if you meal prep.

  8. Get more sleep. When your mind is cluttered, you lay there at night thinking of all the things you did not get done. If you know you need 7-8 hours of sleep; set a bedtime routine as well as a wake routine. Having an expectation of when you will begin your wind down may help prepare your mind to rest.

  9. Limit your exposure to the news and social media. The news and social media will add to the clutter in your mind. While it is important to stay aware of what is happening in the world, you don’t have to bombard yourself with the negative information before resting. Intentionally take what you need and turn away from the rest.

Treat your mind like you would an injured body part. You would reduce the amount of work it has to do and treat it gently. Most of us ask our minds to do more than it should on a regular basis.

Intentionally give your mind a break and restore the peace you crave and need!


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