About our Therapy Practice in Homewood

Tina Moore, LPC

Everyone needs help navigating through the challenges of life; help managing the curve balls that are constantly being thrown at you. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize that life doesn’t always work out the way that you planned; that it takes courage to do something different, to set out in a new direction, to correct any mistakes that you’ve made along the way. I’ve also come to discover that it’s great to have goals, but you must learn to be flexible about when those goals manifest in your life.

I was a 36-year-old mother of two young children, had only been married for a year and my marriage was failing.......miserably.  I was struggling with juggling my duties as a wife, mother of two, bonus-mom to another child, working full-time and running a household with little help from my husband.  That was a difficult time for me, and I am glad that I had the courage to seek help from a therapist.  These sessions meant so much to me that I called them my “happy place”.   I would look forward to my weekly sessions where I could confide in someone that would listen to my concerns and help me find ways to deal with all my “stuff”.  I found so much peace in these sessions that I encouraged anyone that would listen to do the same if they were struggling.

Almost 10 years later, a few days before my 47 th birthday, I found myself laid off from work and had no idea what my next steps were going to be. It didn’t take me long to decide that I was going to make a bold move. I decided not to look for another corporate job in hospitality, but instead to pursue my dream job of becoming a therapist.  As a meeting planner, it was my job to connect with my clients, listen and understand their vision and ultimately help them bring those things to life. I want to take the skills that I have cultivated over the last 20-plus years and apply them to helping people become better versions of themselves. My concentration will be with individuals, couples, and families, with an emphasis in helping divorced and/or separating couples better co-parent with each other to form a more cohesive environment for their children.