Spring Clean Your Mind

Spring. The time when the flowers bloom, the sun starts to shine bigger and brighter, and you make room to clean up your home, get rid of the old, and make room for the new. We all know this as “spring cleaning” but I want to challenge you and ask this: do you clean everything when you spring clean? Do you spring clean your mind and make room for the best version of you? Spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to those old shoes in the back of your closet; it also applies to those internal things that you are still holding on to. It applies to those relationships that ended poorly, that venture that did not turn out the way you thought it would, and it applies to those thoughts that hold you captive to becoming the best version of yourself. 

As you look forward to the new season, I want to encourage you to spring clean your mind. Start with writing everything down, and in specific I want you to focus on the things that have consumed your mind from the last six months. After you journal down the things that you have thought about, ask yourself the following questions:

What is this thing that I am holding on to?

Why am I holding on to it?

How does this thing affect what I think and believe about myself?

If I let go of this thing today, how would I feel?

As you answer these questions, I want you to dig deep, and I mean really deep. Dig into those parts that answer those questions truly and honestly. Allow yourself to be open and honest to your answers to the questions, and then release them. Throw the paper in the trash, burn the piece of paper in a safe way, or rip the paper apart as a simple exercise to show the strength and courage that you have over those things that have been consuming your mind. As you release those things into the world, allow new thoughts of positivity and newness to enter you, so that you can accept the new thoughts that consume you. Make room for those new things to fill you internally so that you can receive the external newness in your life. Practice this for at least 3 days, and challenge yourself to make this a habit throughout the year as you assess who you are, what you want, and how you are working to become the best version of yourself. 

If you are having trouble uncovering some things in your life, or need some help spring cleaning your mind, click here to book a session with us, and let’s clean up together. 


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